Destination Wedding in Greece
We always feel connected to our couples who choose us to plan their destination wedding in Greece. After all, we spent so much time designing their Greek destination wedding, it’s almost impossible not to get attached. There are some couples, however, that we become friends with. Couples like these speak to our hearts and we create for them something magical. Mina and Paul were a couple like this. They are people who we proudly call friends and whose destination wedding in Greece was so warm we were tearing all the time. At the end of the night, we were feeling as if our best friends were joining their lives, as we felt like a part of their family.
Mina and Paul, of Korean heritage, live in USA and wanted a late autumn destination wedding in Greece. For their elegant wedding, we wanted a color scheme of blush, pink, and gold. We designed the wedding stationery with a talented artist and the result was amazing! Moreover, Mina and Paul’s love story was the inspiration for the save-the-dates and the wedding invitations of this greek destination wedding!
We wanted the flowers to be the main asset of this destination wedding in Greece. Our team worked together with Redboxdays to create beautiful flower arrangements. We chose roses, hydrangeas, and eucalyptus, as our main florals, combined with many kinds of delicate flowers to complete our arrangements. In addition, the hanging flowers and greenery made the atmosphere warm and magical. Mina felt like she stepped into a fairytale the moment she walked into the wedding venue of her greek destination wedding. Her tears made us feel proud. We know we did something right when happy tears are involved!
For the wedding ceremony, we wanted a contemporary touch. The couple said their vows under a round ceremony arch, decorated with countless flowers. Furthermore, across the aisle, the flower arrangements made the room smell like freshly cut roses in spring! Mina’s bouquet was simple and elegant, like her.
The greek destination wedding ceremony was breathtaking, filled with emotion and happy tears. Family and friends who have known each other for a lifetime were next to Paul and Mina to congratulate and honor them in their most important moment. For our team, the emotion was the same. All these happy tears made us realize how real was the love between Paul and Mina.
A destination wedding in Greece is a lovely opportunity for couples to know some of the country’s wedding customs. Since all weddings need something borrowed, we borrowed an element from the Greek wedding ceremony; wine! In Greece, couples share a glass of rich red wine to symbolize the union of their lives, the bitter and the sweet, the love and the devotion to each other. Mina and Paul said their vows, the eternal promises of their affection, while the sun was setting, making this the most precious of moments.
We wanted to highlight the warmth of the couple’s families, so we set our tables in a π shape and decorated them with impressive flower garlands. Beautiful roses and wildflowers set the most romantic tone on our table. We used a lot of candles to create the perfect amount of warm candlelight that made our gold-plated cutlery sparkle. What made our hearts melt in this greek destination wedding was the pink glassware and the calligraphy name cards with the gold seal wax. Dreamy!
Our “White Stories” team loves to create dessert tables for the guests. Moreover, sweet treats are the epitome of wedding celebrations! We always fill our candy bars with the most gorgeous of sweets! For this greek destination wedding, we chose macaroons with delicious frosting, delicate meringues, personalized sugar cookies, and many more! We didn’t forget to decorate Mina and Paul’s dessert table with flower arrangements and candies, making it even more desirable for their guests. In addition, we wanted the best wedding cake for our lovely couple. We chose a beautiful and minimal blush wedding cake decorated with fresh flowers. Champagne and cake for the newlyweds! Does it get any better? We think not.
In the house of “White Stories” we believe in the power of details. This is why we wanted every guest to remember this greek destination wedding. For this reason, we created bespoke welcome gifts with traditional products of Greece. We chose handmade olive soap, raki (a traditional Greek aperitif), melekouni (a traditional wedding treat in Greece with sesame and honey). Furthermore, we treated the guests with custom made favors. We created boxes with koufeta, sugar-coated almonds, to symbolize good fortune and fertility! Moreover, because it was late November the weather was a little chilly by the sea. So, we had soft blankets for our guests to wrap themselves in if cold and keep them as a memento of this lovely evening. So cozy and warm!
The wedding party of this greek destination wedding lasted until the early morning hours! Everyone was dancing, laughing, snapping photos, and having a great time! Our lovely couple and their friends were so happy! We could tell how strong their friendship bond was. No one wanted to go home and the night was mesmerizing by the sea. The Athenian riviera sea created the most amazing backdrop for the incredible photos by Evan Civas.
Mina and Paul reminded us of young love. They showed us how important, how lovely, how vibrant two people can be. Also, their destination wedding in Greece was the perfect start to their life as husband and wife. We had so much fun at their wedding party! This grand wedding celebration with their friends is what they’ll remember for years! We wish them a happy and joyful life, filled with beautiful moments, like the ones we shared!